Console Commands for Plasma 2.0 Client
Built 22:33:43 on Nov 6 2014.
.DumpLogs string folderName - Dumps all current logs to the folder specified, relative to the log folder
.EnableLogging - Turns on logging
.DisableLogging - Turns off logging
.ShowStatusLog string logName - Advances the status log display to the given log
.PrevStatusLog - Cycles backwards through the status logs
.NextStatusLog - Cycles through the status logs
.FadeOut float len, bool hold - Sample command #1
.FadeIn float len, bool hold - Sample command #1
Server.DispName string name - Set the displayable server name
Server.Signup string url - Set the server's new user sign-up URL
Server.Status string url - Set the server's status URL
Server.Gate.G int GValue - Set the GateKeeper Server G value
Server.Gate.X string base64Key - Set the GateKeeper Server X key
Server.Gate.N string base64Key - Set the GateKeeper Server N key
Server.Gate.Host string address - Set the GateKeeper Server address
Server.Game.G int GValue - Set the Game Server G value
Server.Game.X string base64Key - Set the Game Server X key
Server.Game.N string base64Key - Set the Game Server N key
Server.Auth.G int GValue - Set the Auth Server G value
Server.Auth.X string base64Key - Set the Auth Server X key
Server.Auth.N string base64Key - Set the Auth Server N key
Server.Auth.Host string address - Set the Auth Server address
Server.File.Host string address - Set the File Server address
GameMgr.JoinGame int gameId - Join the specified game of tic-tac-toe.
GameMgr.ListGames - List all games we're currently playing
GameMgr.TicTacToe.LeaveGame int gameId - Abandon the game of tic-tac-toe
GameMgr.TicTacToe.Uninvite int gameId, int playerId - Revoke an invitation to your game of tic-tac-toe
GameMgr.TicTacToe.InvitePlayer int gameId, string playerName - Invite a player to play tic-tac-toe with you
GameMgr.TicTacToe.ShowBoard int gameId - Show the game board
GameMgr.TicTacToe.MakeMove int gameId, int row, int col - Make your move. row and col in [0..2]
GameMgr.TicTacToe.JoinCommonGame - Join the common game of tic-tac-toe.
GameMgr.TicTacToe.CreateGame int numPlayers - Create a new game of tic-tac-toe. numPlayers in [1..2]
Net.ScreenMessages bool on - Screen out illegal net msgs.
Net.ForceSetAgeTimeOfDay float timePercent - Force the age time of day to a specific value from 0.0 to 1.0. Set to -1 to unset.
Net.GetCCRAwayStatus - Find out if CCR's are offline
Net.SetProxyAddr string proxyHostAddr - Sets the address of a proxy host to send all messages to
Net.DownloadViaManifest string remoteManifestFileName - Downloads the given file from the dataserver, then updates all the ages listed in the file
Net.GetAgeElapsedTime - returns the age of the age
Net.GetServerTime - returns the current server clock
Net.EnableClientDelay - Switches on delay in client update loop
Net.SetObjUpdateFreq string objName, float freqInSecs - Instructs the server to only send me updates about this object periodically
Net.OfferLinkToPlayer string ageFilename, int playerID - Offer a link to a player
Net.LinkToMyPersonalAge - Link to my personal age
Net.LinkToMyNeighborhoodAge - Link to my neighborhood
Net.LinkPlayerToPrevAge int playerID - Link specified player back to his last age.
Net.LinkPlayerHere int playerID - Link specified player to our current age.
Net.LinkToPlayersAge int playerID - Link to specified player's current age
Net.LinkWithSubAgeBook string ageFilename - Link to a sub-age of the current age
Net.LinkWithVisitBook string ageFilename - Link to specified age using Personal Age Linking Book rules
Net.LinkWithOwnedBook string ageFilename - Link to specified age using Personal Age Linking Book rules
Net.LinkWithOriginalBook string ageFilename, string spawnPt - Link to specified age using Original Age Linking Book rules
Net.LinkToPrevAge - Link to my last age.
Net.LinkToAgeInstance string ageFilename, string ageGuid - Link to a specific age by guid.
Net.LinkToAge string ageFilename - Link to an age.
Net.EnableLinking bool enable - Enable/disable linking.
Net.SetConsoleOutput bool onoff - send log output to the debug window
Net.LocalTriggers - Make triggers localOnly
Net.ShowRooms bool on - Show debug room lists
Net.ShowLists bool on - Show debug player lists
Net.ShowRelevanceRegions bool on - Show player relevance regions
Net.Chat ... - broadcast chat msg
Net.Ping bool enable - Enable/disable server ping
Net.Vault.UnregisterVisitAge string ageName - Remove all instances of the specified age from your private links
Net.Vault.RegisterVisitAge string ageName - Add an instance of the specified age to your private links
Net.Vault.UnregisterOwnedAge string ageName - Remove the specified age from your bookshelf
Net.Vault.RegisterOwnedAge string ageName - Add an instance of the specified age to your bookshelf
Net.Vault.RegisterMTStation string stationName, string mtSpawnPt - Register an MT Station with your Nexus
Net.Vault.AmCzarOfCurrentAge -
Net.Vault.AmOwnerOfCurrentAge -
Net.Vault.InMyNeighborhoodAge -
Net.Vault.InMyPersonalAge -
Net.Vault.SetSeen int nodeId, int seen - Set or clear node seen flag
Net.Vault.Dump - Dump vault to log
Net.Auth.Disconnect - Cause an auth server disconnect
Net.Auth.SetAccountPassword string password - Sets account password.
Net.Auth.SetAccountName string name - Sets account name.
Net.Log.Create string fileName - obsolete
Net.Voice.SetMaxNumListeningTo int num - Set the max number of other players that I can listen to at once
Net.Voice.SetMaxListeningRadius float dist - Set the max distance that I hear another player's voice
Net.Voice.Echo bool on - Turn on/off echoing of voice packets
Net.DebugObject.DumpAgeSDLHook bool dirtyOnly - Dump the age SDL hook to the object debugger
Net.DebugObject.ClearAllObjects - Stop focused debugging about all objects
Net.DebugObject.RemoveObject string objName, ... - Stop focused debugging about the specified object. RemoveObject objName [pageName], wildcards allowed
Net.DebugObject.AddObject string objName, ... - Create a debug log about the specified object. AddObject objName [pageName], wildcards allowed
Vault.Dump - Prints the vault structure of current player and age to the nearest log file
Demo.PlayNet string recName - Plays back a network demo
Demo.RecordNet string recType, string recName - Records a network demo (must be set in an ini file)
Python.ListCheats - Show a list of python commands
Python.Cheat string functions, ... - Run a cheat command
Python.Backdoor string target, ... - Send a debug trigger to a python file modifier
Python.SetLoggingLevel int level - Set the python logging print level (1-4)
KI.RemoveJournal - Removes the journal from the Blackbar.
KI.AddJournal - Add the journal to the Blackbar.
KI.NoneOfThePower - All the phased functionality turned off.
KI.AllOfThePower - All the phased functionality turned on.
KI.DowngradeLevel int level - Downgrade KI level to next lower level.
KI.UpgradeLevel int level - Upgrade KI to new level.
Clothing.RemoveMaintainerOutfit - Return to your normal outfit
Clothing.WearMaintainerOutfit - Wear the Maintainer outfit
Clothing.ShowTargetTexture ... - Show/hide the texture we use for the local avatar on a square (for debugging).
Clothing.SaveCustomizations - Save your customizations to the vault.
Clothing.ChangeAvatar string name - Switch your avatar to a different gender ('Male' / 'Female')
Clothing.BlendSkin float blend, int layer - Set the blend (0 to 1) for a specific skin layer (1 to 6).
Clothing.AgeSkin float age - Blend (0 to 1) between young and old skin.
Clothing.TintSkin float red, float green, float blue - Change your avatar's skin color
Clothing.TintItem string itemName, float red, float green, float blue, int layer - Change the color of an item of clothing you're wearing
Clothing.RemoveItem string itemName - Has your avatar remove the item of clothing specified
Clothing.WearItem string itemName - Has your avatar wear the item of clothing specified
Clothing.AddItemToCloset string itemName, float r, float g, float b, float r2, float g2, float b2 - Add a clothing item to your closet
Animation.ToggleDelayedTransforms - Toggle the possibility of delayed transform evaluation.
Animation.ShowDebugTimes - Toggle the view of our debug list.
Animation.RemoveDebugItems string name - Remove keys with the given name (substrings ok) to our report list
Animation.AddDebugItems string name - Add keys with the given name (substrings ok) to our report list
Animation.SetSpeed string objName, string animName, float speed, float rate - Set the speed of this animation and rate to change
Animation.SetAmp string objName, string animName, float amp, float rate - Set the amplitude of this animation and rate to change
Animation.SetBlend string objName, string animName, float blend, float rate - Set the animation's blend value and rate to change
Animation.Stop string objName, string animName - Stop the animation
Animation.Start string objName, string animName - Start the animation
ParticleSystem.KillParticles string objName, float timeLeft, float num, bool useAsPercentage - Flag some particles for death.
ParticleSystem.TransferParticlesToAvatar string objName, int numParticles - Creates a system (if necessary) on the avatar, and transfers particles
ParticleSystem.SetParticleLifeMax string objName, float value - Set the max lifespan of generated particles
ParticleSystem.SetParticleLifeMin string objName, float value - Set the minimum lifespan of generated particles (negative values make them immortal)
ParticleSystem.SetGeneratorLife string objName, float value - Set the remaining life of the particle generator
ParticleSystem.SetScaleMax string objName, float value - Set the maximum width/height scaling of generated particles
ParticleSystem.SetScaleMin string objName, float value - Set the minimum width/height scaling of generated particles
ParticleSystem.SetHeight string objName, float value - Set the height of generated particles
ParticleSystem.SetWidth string objName, float value - Set the width of generated particles
ParticleSystem.SetInitialVelocityMax string objName, float value - Set the maximum initial velocity of generated particles
ParticleSystem.SetInitialVelocityMin string objName, float value - Set the minimum initial velocity of generated particles
ParticleSystem.SetInitialYawRange string objName, float value - Set the initial range of yaw of generated particles
ParticleSystem.SetInitialPitchRange string objName, float value - Set the initial range of pitch of generated particles
ParticleSystem.SetPPS string objName, float value - Set the particles-per-second generated
ParticleSystem.Flock.SetMaxChaseSpeed string objName, float value -
ParticleSystem.Flock.SetMaxOrbitSpeed string objName, float value -
ParticleSystem.Flock.SetGoalChaseStr string objName, float value -
ParticleSystem.Flock.SetGoalOrbitStr string objName, float value -
ParticleSystem.Flock.SetRepelStr string objName, float value -
ParticleSystem.Flock.SetConformStr string objName, float value -
ParticleSystem.Flock.SetFullChaseDistance string objName, float value -
ParticleSystem.Flock.SetGoalDistance string objName, float value -
ParticleSystem.Flock.SetRepelDistance string objName, float value -
ParticleSystem.Flock.SetConformDistance string objName, float value -
ParticleSystem.Flock.SetDissentTarget string objName, float x, float y, float z - Set the goal for particles that leave the flock
ParticleSystem.Flock.SetFlockOffset string objName, float x, float y, float z - Set the flock's goal to be an offset from its sceneObject
Age.SetSDLBool string varName, bool value, int index - Set the value of an age global variable
Age.SetSDLInt string varName, int value, int index - Set the value of an age global variable
Age.SetSDLFloat string varName, float value, int index - Set the value of an age global variable
Age.GetTimeOfDay string agedefnfile - Gets the elapsed days and fractions
Age.GetElapsedDays string agedefnfile - Gets the elapsed days and fractions
Age.ShowSDL - Prints the age SDL values
Mouse.ForceHide bool force - Forces the mouse to be hidden (or doesn't)
Mouse.Show void - hide mouse cursor
Mouse.Hide void - hide mouse cursor
Mouse.SetFadeDelay float delayInSecs - Set how long the cursor has to not move before it fades out
Mouse.Disable void - Disable mouse input
Mouse.Enable void - Enable mouse input
Mouse.SetDeadZone float zone - Sets the dead zone for the mouse - range is from 0.0 to 1.0
Mouse.UnInvert void - un-invert the mouse
Mouse.Invert void - invert the mouse
Physics.ListAwakeActors - Toggles displaying the list of awake actors
Physics.ShowControllerDebugDisplay - Toggle the physics controller debug display
Physics.ClampingOnStep - Toggle whether to clamp the step size on advance
Physics.SubworldOptimization - Toggle subworld optimization
Physics.ExtraProfile - Toggle extra simulation profiling
Physics.LogSDL int level - Turn logging of physics SDL state on or off. 0=off 1=send/receive only 2=any attempt
Physics.MaxPhysicalAvatars int max - Set the maximum number of avatar physicals allowed. Default = 0 (meaning no limit)
Physics.Rebuild - Rebuilds the avatars collision cache
SceneObject.Detach string childName - Detach a child from parent (if any)
SceneObject.Attach string childName, string parentName - Attach child to parent
SceneObject.SetEnable.All string objName, bool on - Enable or disable all fxns of a sceneobject
SceneObject.SetEnable.Audible string objName, bool on - Enable or disable the audible of a sceneobject
SceneObject.SetEnable.Physical string objName, bool on - Enable or disable the physical of a sceneobject
SceneObject.SetEnable.Drawable string objName, bool on - Enable or disable drawing of a sceneobject
Wave.Graph string waveSet - Toggle graphing lens for waves
Wave.Log string waveSet - Toggle logging for waves
Wave.Set.Opacity string waveSet, ... - Set current water max opacity f
Wave.Set.WaterTint string waveSet, ... - Set current water tint (r g b)
Wave.Set.Direction string waveSet, ... - Set current wind direction (x y)
Wave.Set.Radius string waveSet, ... - Set current envmap radius f
Wave.Set.EnvCenter string waveSet, ... - Set current EnvMap Center (x y z)
Wave.Set.WaveEnd string waveSet, ... - Set current water wave end f
Wave.Set.WaveStart string waveSet, ... - Set current water wave start f
Wave.Set.ReflEnd string waveSet, ... - Set current water refleciton end f
Wave.Set.ReflStart string waveSet, ... - Set current water reflection start f
Wave.Set.OpacEnd string waveSet, ... - Set current water opacity end f
Wave.Set.OpacStart string waveSet, ... - Set current water opacity start f
Wave.Set.SpecAtten string waveSet, ... - Set falloff of ripples from to in feet
Wave.Set.TexAngle string waveSet, ... - Set texture wave spread about wind dir (in degrees)
Wave.Set.Scale string waveSet, ... - Set current water ripple scale f
Wave.Set.Noise string waveSet, ... - Set current noising of texture waves (as percentage)
Wave.Set.TexChop string waveSet, ... - Set current texture wave choppiness
Wave.Set.TexAmp string waveSet, ... - Set texture wave ratio of Amplitude to Wavelengths (as percentage)
Wave.Set.TexLen string waveSet, ... - Set and texture wavelengths in feet
Wave.Set.ReflMute string waveSet, ... - Set current reflection muting f (100 % no muting, 0% all gone)
Wave.Set.ReflTint string waveSet, ... - Set current reflection tint (r g b)
Wave.Set.GeoAngle string waveSet, ... - Set geometric wave angular Spread about wind direction (in degrees)
Wave.Set.GeoChop string waveSet, ... - Set current geometric wave choppiness
Wave.Set.GeoAmp string waveSet, ... - Set geometric wave ratio of Amplitude to Wavelengths (as percentage)
Wave.Set.GeoLen string waveSet, ... - Set and geometric wavelengths in feet
Access.Party string bull, string psys - Add particle system to bulletMgr
Access.XShot - Fire shot along gun's neg x-axis
Access.Shot - Fire shot along gun's z-axis
Access.Gun string gun, float radius, ... - Fire shot along gun's z-axis, creating decal of radius , with optional max-range (def 1000)
Access.LOS ... - Fire LOS test check
Access.HackEnd - stop the hackage
Access.HackLOS string marker - Set the Los hack marker
Access.Obj string losObj - Set the los test marker
Access.ObjFade string obj, float fadeUp, float fadeDown - Test fading on visibility
Access.Fade - Test fading on visibility
Access.Face string clothItem - Set face morphMod to affect a clothing item
Access.FaDeAct - Deactivate a morphMod
Access.FaAct - Activate face morphMod
Access.IncBrian int iLay, float inc - Inc the weight for a morphMod pair
Access.SetMorphItem string itemName - Set which clothing item we want to morph
Access.ZeroBrian int BeginLay, int EndLay - Zero the morph layers from begin to end
Access.Weight int iLay, int iDel, float wgt - Set the weight for a morphMod
Access.MoDeAct string morphMod - Activate a morphMod
Access.MoAct string morphMod - Activate a morphMod
Access.Morph string morphMod, int iLay, int iDel, float wgt - Set the weight for a morphMod
Quality.Cap int cap - Limit graphics capability from .ini file
Quality.Level int quality - Fake quality slider from .ini file
Movie.FadeOut string filename, float secs, float r, float g, float b, float a - Fade out movie with this filename to r,g,b,a over secs seconds
Movie.FadeIn string filename, float secs, float r, float g, float b, float a - Fade in movie with this filename from r,g,b,a over secs seconds
Movie.Volume string filename, float v - Set volume of movie with this filename to v
Movie.Color string filename, float r, float g, float b - Color movie with this filename as r,g,b
Movie.Alpha string filename, float a - Set opacity of movie with this filename to a
Movie.Scale string filename, float x, float y - Scale movie with this filename by x,y
Movie.Move string filename, float x, float y - Move center of movie with this filename to x,y
Movie.Resume string filename - Resume movie with this filename
Movie.Pause string filename - Pause movie with this filename
Movie.Stop string filename - Stop movie with this filename
Movie.Start string filename - Start movie with this filename
Nav.ClearExcludeList - Clears the list of pages to exclude from loading.
Nav.ExcludePage string pageName - Excludes the given page from ever being loaded. Useful for debugging.
Nav.MovePlayer string playerName, string destPage - moves a player from one paging unit to another
Nav.UnloadSceneObject string objName - unloads a named scene object
Nav.UnloadPlayer string objName - unloads a named player
Nav.PageOutNode string roomName - pages out a scene node.
Nav.PageInNode string roomName - Pages in a scene node.
Keyboard.BindConsoleCmd string key, string command - Bind console command to key
Keyboard.BindAction string key1, string key2, string action - Binds the given two keys to the given action (you can specify 'UNDEFINED' for either key if you wish)
Keyboard.BindKey string key1, string action - Binds the given single key combo to the given action
Keyboard.ClearBindings - Resets the keyboard bindings to empty
Keyboard.ResetBindings - Resets the keyboard bindings to their defaults
DInput.Config - Launch DInput configuration screen
DInput.UseDInput bool on - Turns off DirectInput
Listener.XMode bool b - Sets velocity and position to avatar, and orientation to camera
Listener.UsePlayerVelocity - Use the player's velocity to set the listener velocity
Listener.UsePlayerPosition - Use the player's position to position the listener
Listener.UsePlayerOrientation - Use the player's orientation to orient the listener
Listener.UseCameraVelocity - Use the camera's velocity to set the listener velocity
Listener.UseCameraPosition - Use the canera's position to position the listener
Listener.UseCameraOrientation - Use the camera's orientation to orient the listener
Listener.ShowDebugInfo bool show - Shows or hides debugging info
Audio.EnableExtendedLogs bool enable - Enables or disables the extended audio logs.
Audio.SetPriorityCutoff int cutoff - Stops sounds from loading whose priority is greater than this cutoff.
Audio.SetStreamFromRAMCutoff float cutoffInSecs - Sets the cutoff between streaming from RAM and streaming directly from disk.
Audio.SetStreamingBufferSize float sizeInSecs - Sets the size of the streaming buffer for each streaming sound.
Audio.Mark -
Audio.MCNTest int which -
Audio.SetMicVolume float volume - Sets the microphone volume, in the range of 0 to 1
Audio.IsolateSound string soundComponentName - Mutes all sounds except the given sound. Use Audio.MuteAll false to remove the isolation.
Audio.SetVolume string obj, float vol - Sets the volume on a given object. 1 is max volume, 0 is silence
Audio.SetTwoStageLOD bool on - Enables or disables two-stage LOD, where sounds can be loaded into RAM but not into sound buffers. Less of a performance hit, harder on memory.
Audio.SetLoadOnDemand bool on - Enable or disable load-on-demand for sounds
Audio.NextDebugPlate - Cycles through the volume displays for all registered sounds
Audio.EnableVoiceChat bool b - Enable Voice chat
Audio.EnableVoiceRecording bool b - turn voice recording on or off
Audio.SetVBR bool q - Toggle variable bit rate
Audio.SetVoiceQuality int q - Set quality of voice encoding
Audio.EnableVoiceNetBroadcast bool b - turn voice-over-net on and off
Audio.PushToTalk bool b - turn push-to-talk on or off
Audio.SquelchLevel float f - Set the squelch level
Audio.ShowIcons bool b - turn voice recording icons on and off
Audio.EnableVoiceCompression bool b - turn voice compression on and off
Audio.SetDeviceName string deviceName - Meant for plClient init only
Audio.ShowNumActiveBuffers bool b - Shows the number of Direct sounds buffers in use
Audio.Set2D3DBias float bias - Sets the 2D/3D bias when not using hardware acceleration.
Audio.SetChannelVolume string channel, float percentage - Sets the master volume of a given audio channel
Valid channels are: SoundFX, BgndMusic, Voice, GUI, NPCVoice and Ambience.
Audio.SetAllChannelVolumes float soundFX, float music, float ambience, float voice, float gui - Sets the master volume of all the given audio channels.
Audio.LogStreamingUpdates bool on - Logs every buffer fill for streaming sounds
Audio.SetDistanceModel int type - Sets the distance model for all 3d sounds
Audio.MuteAll bool on - Mute or unmute all sounds
Audio.Restart - Restarts the audio system
Audio.Initialize bool on - Set to false to completely disable audio playback in plasma
Audio.UseEAX bool on - Enable EAX sound acceleration (requires hardware acceleration)
Audio.UseHardware bool on - Enable audio hardware acceleration
Audio.Enable bool on - Switch DirectX Audio on or off at runtime
Logic.WriteDetectorLog - Write detector log to logfile
Logic.ResponderNoLog string prefix - Don't log responders that begin with the specified string
Logic.ResponderAnimCue - Toggle box being drawn on screen when a responder starts an anim
Logic.ListResponders - Prints the names of the loaded responders to the console
Logic.ListDetectors - Prints the names of the loaded detectors to the console
Logic.FastForwardResponder string responderComp, ... - Fastforwards the named responder component. (Optional: number of the state to switch to)
Logic.TriggerResponder string responderComp, ... - Triggers the named responder component. (Optional: number of the state to switch to)
Logic.TriggerResponderNum int responderNum, ... - Triggers the responder with this number (from ListResponders). (Optional: number of the state to switch to)
Logic.EnableDetector string detectorComp, bool enable - Enables/disables the named detector component
Logic.TriggerDetector string detectorComp - Triggers the named detector component
Logic.TriggerDetectorNum int detectorNum - Triggers the detector with this number (from ListDetectors)
Camera.AlwaysCut bool b - Forces camera transitions to always cut
Camera.Freeze bool b - freeze the camera system
Camera.FirstPersonAlways bool b - always in first person
Camera.VerticalPanAlways bool b - turn vertical panning on always when walking
Camera.UseSpeedOverrides bool b - Use console overrides for accel / decel
Camera.SetGlobalVelocity float x - Set global camera velocity - must set Camera.UseSpeedOverrides to TRUE to see effect
Camera.SetGlobalDecel float x - Set global camera deceleration - must set Camera.UseSpeedOverrides to TRUE to see effect
Camera.SetGlobalAccel float x - Set global camera acceleration - must set Camera.UseSpeedOverrides to TRUE to see effect
Camera.SetFallPOASpeeds float accel, float vel, float decel - Set camera fall speeds
Camera.SetFallSpeeds float accel, float vel, float decel - Set camera fall speeds
Camera.SwitchTo string cameraName - Switch to the named camera
Camera.DecreaseDriveTurnRate - decrease drive turn rate
Camera.IncreaseDriveTurnRate - increase drive turn rate
Camera.Drive - Toggle drive mode
Camera.SetFOV float x, float y - Set the field of view for all cameras
Camera.Prev - Set the virtual camera to go to the prev camera in the scene
Camera.LogFOV bool b - Switch on / off verbose camera FOV change logging
Camera.IgnoreRegions bool b - Switch on / off camera regions
Camera.Next - Set the virtual camera to go to the next camera in the scene
Camera.Force3rdPersonMultistage bool b - force camera to 3rd person for multistage on or off
Camera.Force3rdPersonOneshots bool b - force camera to 3rd person for oneshots on or off
Camera.FallTimerDelay float b - fall timer delay
Camera.AvatarVisible1stPerson bool b - turn avatar visibility in 1st person on or off
Registry.LogReadTimes - Dumps the time for each object read to a file
Registry.ListRefs string keyType, string keyName - For the given key (referenced by type and name), lists all of the objects who currently have active refs on it.
Registry.SetLoggingLevel int level - Sets the logging level for the registry. 0 is no logging, 3 is max detail.
Registry.ToggleDebugStats - Toggles the debug statistics screen for the registry
Dispatch.Log.Exclude - Sets Dispatch Log filters to be treated as an exclude list
Dispatch.Log.Include - Sets Dispatch Log filters to be treated as an include list
Dispatch.Log.RemoveFilterExactType string className - Removes an exact type filter to the Dispatch Logger
Dispatch.Log.RemoveFilterType string className - Removes a type filter to the Dispatch Logger
Dispatch.Log.AddFilterExactType string className - Adds an exact type filter to the Dispatch Logger
Dispatch.Log.AddFilterType string className - Adds a type filter to the Dispatch Logger
Dispatch.Log.LongReceives - Log long msg receives (over 50 ms)
App.BounceLogs - Clear all log files.
App.DemoMode - Set the app to demo mode
App.SetLanguage string language - Set the language (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, or Japanese)
App.VerifyUnloaded string age - Verify the given age is really unloaded into logfile logs/.log
App.LowPriority - Set low priority for this process
App.GetBranchDate - Prints the date of the branch this code was produced from, or "Pre-release" if it is from the main code
App.GetBuildDate - Prints the date and time this build was created
App.AuxInitDir string pathName - Set an auxiliary init directory to read
App.Quit - Quit the client app
App.ShowLOS - Show object LOS hits
App.ScaleTime float s - Scale factor for time (e.g. ScaleTime 2 doubles speed of game)
App.FrameTime - Run in frametime
App.RealTime - Run in realtime
App.FrameInc float msPerFrame - Advance exactly msPerFrame milliseconds each frame
App.TimeSmoothingClamp float maxSecsPerFrame - Clamp max elapsed time that we'll smooth frame deltas
App.TimeClamp float maxSecsPerFrame - Clamp elapsed game time per frame (b4 scale)
App.Overlay string name, ... - Enable/Disable/Toggle display of named CamView object
App.Sound string obj, string evType, float s, int reps - string obj, string evType, float s, int reps
App.Event string obj, string evType, float s, int reps - string obj, string evType, float s, int reps
Graphics.EnablePlanarReflections bool - Enable the draw and update of planar reflections
Graphics.EnableVSync bool b - Init VerticalSync
Graphics.AnisotropicLevel int l - Init Aniso Level
Graphics.AntiAliasAmount int aa - Init AA Level
Graphics.TextureQuality int quality - Initialize texture quality
Graphics.Windowed bool w - Initialize Windowed Mode
Graphics.ColorDepth int colordepth - Initializes color depth
Graphics.Height int h - Initializes height
Graphics.Width int w - Initializes width
Graphics.ForceSecondMonitor bool v - Run the game on the second monitor
Graphics.ForceGeForce2Quality - Forces higher-level hardware down to roughly the capabilities of a GeForce 2.
Graphics.AllowWBuffering - Enables the use of w-buffering
(w-buffering is disabled by default).
Graphics.BumpW - Set bump mapping method to cheapest available.
Graphics.BumpUV - Set bump mapping method to GeForce2 compatible.
Graphics.BumpNormal - Set bump mapping method to default for your hardware.
Graphics.SetDebugFlag string flag, ... - Sets or toggles a pipeline debug flag.
Valid flags are:
bufferDataShow - Shows vertex/index buffer stats
noMultiTexture - Disables multitexturing
noLightMaps - Disables lightmaps
noRTLights - Disables runtime lighting
noAlphaBlending - Disables alpha blending
noDecals - Disables drawing of decals
noFaceSort - Disables alpha-blending face sorting
normalShow - Shows normals for all vertices
noShadows - Toggles shadow generation and display
noUpper - Toggles render of upper layers
noBump - Toggles bump mapping
noRender - Toggles all rendering
noLODPop - Toggles ignoring of LOD Pops
noPlates - Toggles rendering of plates
mipmapColorize - Color-codes mipmap levels
noAnisotropy - Disables anisotropic filtering
allBright - Overrides D3D lighting equations (forces everything emissive)
noProjLights - Turns off runtime projected lights
oneMaterial - Toggles using one material for the entire scene
reShaders - reload all shaders
reTex - reload all textures from sysmem
onlyProjLights - Turns off runtime non-projected lights
noFog - Disable all fog
Graphics.Show.ClickOnly - Toggle visible proxies for click points
Graphics.Show.Clicks - Toggle visible proxies for clicks
Graphics.Show.LightsOnly - Toggle visible proxies for lights and everything else invisible
Graphics.Show.Lights - Toggle visible proxies for lights
Graphics.Show.NormalOnly - Toggle only normal geometry visible
Graphics.Show.Normal - Toggle normal geometry visible
Graphics.Show.PhysicalsOnly - Toggle only Physical geometry visible
Graphics.Show.Physicals - Toggle Physical geometry visible
Graphics.Show.OccludersOnly - Toggle only occluder geometry visible
Graphics.Show.Occluders - Toggle occluder geometry visible
Graphics.Show.OccSnapOnly - Take snapshot of current occlusion and render (or toggle)
Graphics.Show.OccSnap - Take snapshot of current occlusion and render (or toggle)
Graphics.Show.SoundOnly - Toggle only sound fields visible
Graphics.Show.SingleSound string sceneObject - Toggles the proxy fields for a single sound object
Graphics.Show.Sound - Toggle sound fields visible
Graphics.Show.Bounds - Toggle object bounds display
Graphics.Renderer.ToggleRenderRequests - Toggles processing of pre- and post-render requests
Graphics.Renderer.ToggleScene - Toggles main scene drawing
Graphics.Renderer.AVIClose - Stops the current AVI recording
Graphics.Renderer.AVIWrite ... - Saves each frame to an AVI file
Graphics.Renderer.GrabCubeCam string prefix - Take cubemap from camera's position and name it prefix_XX.jpg
Graphics.Renderer.GrabCubeMap string sceneObject, string prefix - Take cubemap from sceneObject's position and name it prefix_XX.jpg
Graphics.Renderer.ResetDevice int width, int height, int colordepth, bool Windowed, int numAASamples, int MaxAnisotropicSamples - Reset Display Device
Graphics.Renderer.TwoSided ... - Toggle or set force two-sided.
Graphics.Renderer.Wireframe ... - Toggle or set wireframe view mode.
Graphics.Renderer.Overdraw bool on - Turn on (off) overdraw rendering
Graphics.Renderer.Overwire ... - Turn on (off) overlay wire rendering
Graphics.Renderer.SetZBiasScale float scale - Sets the device-dependent scale value for upper-layer z biasing
Graphics.Renderer.TweakZBiasScale float deltaScale - Adjusts the device-dependent scale value for upper-layer z biasing
Graphics.Renderer.SetYon float yon, ... - Sets the view yon
Graphics.Renderer.MaxCullNodes ... - Limit occluder processing
Graphics.Renderer.Gamma2 float g - Set gamma value (alternative ramp)
Graphics.Renderer.Gamma float g, ... - Set gamma value (g or (r,g,b))
Graphics.Renderer.mfTest int mfDbgTest - Reserved for internal testing
Graphics.Renderer.SetClearColor float r, float g, float b - Sets the global clear color
Renderer.Fog.SetDefExp2 float end, float density - Sets the default fog to exp^2
Renderer.Fog.SetDefExp float end, float density - Sets the default fog to linear
Renderer.Fog.SetDefLinear float start, float end, float density - Sets the default fog to linear
Renderer.Fog.SetDefColor float r, float g, float b - Sets the default fog color
Graphics.DebugText.Disable - Disables debug text drawing
Graphics.DebugText.Enable - Enables debug text drawing
Graphics.DebugText.SetFont string face, int size - Sets the font face and size used for drawing debug text
Graphics.Shadow.Blur ... - Max shadowmap blur size.
Graphics.Shadow.VisibleDistance ... - Shadow quality (0 to 1).
Graphics.Shadow.MaxDist ... - Max shadowmap vis distance.
Graphics.Shadow.MaxSize ... - Max shadowmap size.
Graphics.Shadow.Apply - Toggles applying shadows (they are still computed).
Graphics.Shadow.Show - Show shadows.
Graphics.Shadow.Toggle - Toggle shadows.
Graphics.Shadow.Disable - Disable shadows.
Graphics.Shadow.Enable bool enable - Enable shadows.
Graphics.VisSet.Toggle - Toggle using VisSets
Console.ExecuteFileDelayed string filename, float timeInSecs - Runs the given file as if it were an .ini or .fni file, but at some given point in the future
Console.ExecuteFile string filename - Runs the given file as if it were an .ini or .fni file
Console.ClearAllVars - Wipes the global console variable context
Console.PrintAllVars - Prints the values of all global console variables
Console.PrintVar string name - Prints the value of a given global console variable
Console.SetVar string name, string value - Sets the value of a given global console variable
Console.CreateBriefDocumentation string fileName - Writes brief HTML documentation for the current console commands
Console.CreateDocumentation string fileName - Writes HTML documentation for the current console commands
Console.SetTextColor int r, int g, int b - Sets the color of normal console text
Console.EnableFX bool enable - Enables flashy console effects
Console.Clear - Clears the console
Stats.ProfileAllAgeLoads - Turns on Registry.LogReadTimes and links to each age, then exits
Stats.AutoProfile ... - Performs an automated profile in all the ages. Optional: Specify an age name to do just that age
Stats.RemoveDetailVar string stat - Removes the specified var from the detail graph
Stats.AddDetailVarWithOffsetAndRange string stat, int offset, int min, int max - Adds the specified var to the detail graph with an
offset and a range of min->(max-offset)
Stats.AddDetailVarWithRange string stat, int min, int max - Adds the specified var to the detail graph
Stats.AddDetailVarWithOffset string stat, int offset - Adds the specified var to the detail graph with a offset and default range
of 0->(100-offset)
Stats.AddDetailVar string stat - Adds the specified var to the detail graph with the default range of 0->100
Stats.ResetDetailDefaults - Resets the detail graph's defaults
Stats.HideDetail - Hides the detail stat graph
Stats.ShowDetail - Shows the detail stat graph
Stats.Graph string stat, int min, int max - Graphs the specified stat
Stats.SetAvgTime int ms - Sets the amount of time stats are averaged over
Stats.PageUpLaps - Show the previous page of laps
Stats.PageDownLaps - Show the next page of laps
Stats.SetLapMin int min - Sets the minimum index of which lap will display
Stats.ListLaps - Prints the names of all the stats with laps to the console
Stats.ListGroups - Prints the names of all the stat groups to the console
Stats.ShowLaps string group, string stat -
Stats.ShowNext - Shows the next group of stats
Stats.ResetMax - Resets the max value for all stats
Stats.Show ... - Shows or hides a given category of statistics.
List the valid categories using Stats.ListGroups
Game.BreakVolumeSensors bool break - reverts to old broken volume sensor logic
Game.SetLocalClientAsAdmin bool enable - Makes chat messages from this client appear as admin messages
Game.LimitAvatarLOD int newLOD - Zero is (always) highest detail; 2 is (currently) lowest.
Game.SetChatFadeDelay float delayInSecs - Sets the time in seconds before the chat text disappears
Game.KICreateMarkerFolder - Create marker folder in current Age's journal folder
Game.KICreateMarker - Create marker in the working marker folder
Game.KIHelp - Open the CCR help dialog
Game.KIOpenKI - Open the KI a little at a time
Game.KIOpenYeeshaBook - Open the player's Yeesha book
Game.KIDownSizeFont - Down size the KI font (chatarea)
Game.KIUpSizeFont - Up size the KI font (chatarea)
Game.KIChatToggleFadeEnable - Toggle enable of chat fade
Game.KIChatToggleFaded - Toggle fade of chat display
Game.KICreateJournal - Create journal note entry
Game.KITakePicture - Take picture with KI
Game.KIChatToEnd - Scroll chat display to bottom of buffer
Game.KIChatToStart - Scroll chat display to top of buffer
Game.KIChatPageDown - Scroll chat display one page down
Game.KIChatPageUp - Scroll chat display one page up
Game.KIPutAway - Put KI completely away
Game.KIToggleMini - Toggle between mini and big KI
Game.EnterChatMode - Enters in-game chat mode
Game.SwitchDialog string olddlgName, string newdlgName - Hide olddlg and show newdlg
Game.HideDialog string dlgName - Hides the given GUI dialog
Game.ShowDialog string dlgName - Shows the given GUI dialog
Game.LoadLocalDialog string ageName, string dlgName - Loads the given GUI dialog into memory
Game.LoadDialog string dlgName - Loads the given GUI dialog into memory
Game.TakeScreenshot int width, int height - Captures a screenshot
Game.Emote.Sit -
Game.Emote.Talk -
Game.Emote.Clap -
Game.Emote.Laugh -
Game.Emote.Dance -
Game.Emote.Sneeze -
Game.Emote.Wave -
Game.GUI.CreateDialog string name -
Game.GUI.CreateDragBar float x, float y, float width, float height -
Game.GUI.CreateRoundButton float x, float y, float radius, string command -
Game.GUI.CreateRectButton string title, float x, float y, float width, float height, string command -
Game.GUI.SetDynamicCtrlColor float bgRed, float bgGreen, float bgBlue, float textRed, float textGreen, float textBlue -
Avatar.FakeLinkToObj string objName - Pseudo-Link the avatar to the specified object's location
Avatar.ClickToTurn bool b - Set click-to-turn functionality.
Avatar.SetMouseTurnSensitivity float sensitivity - Set how strong the mouse affects turning.
Avatar.SortFaces - Toggle sorting of polys on the avatar
Avatar.SetStealthMode int mode - Set the stealth mode of your avatar.
Avatar.SetFootEffect int group - Force the avatar to use certain footstep effects
Avatar.ShowLocations - Show player positions/orientations
Avatar.SeekPoint string seekpoint - Move to the given seekpoint.
Avatar.ToggleRelevanceRegions - Enable/Disable all relevance regions
Avatar.MarkRelevanceRegion string regionA, string regionB, int wantsUpdate - Mark whether avatars in regionA want updates on those on regionB
Avatar.PopBrain - Remove the topmost brain from the avatar. Careful there, sport.
Avatar.LogSmartSeek int enabled - Enable/Disable smart seek logging (avatar.log)
Avatar.DebugByID int PlayerID - Show debug display for a specific avatar.
Avatar.Debug - Toggle the avatar debug display.
Avatar.Swim.Start -
Avatar.LOD.GetLODDistance - Get Distance for switching Avatar LOD
Avatar.LOD.SetLODDistance float newDist - Set Distance for switching Avatar LOD
Avatar.LOD.LimitLOD int newLOD - Zero is (always) highest detail; 2 is (currently) lowest.
Avatar.LOD.SetLOD int lod - Show only the selected LOD.
Avatar.AG.DumpSingleOptimized string boneName - print out the optimized animatoin graph for the given (avatar) bone
Avatar.AG.DumpSingle string boneName - print out the animation graph for the given (avatar) bone
Avatar.AG.DumpFullOptimized - print out the optimized animation graph for the avatar
Avatar.AG.DumpFull - print out the animation graph for the avatar
Avatar.Anim.SetBlend string Animation, float blend - Set the blend of the given animation.
Avatar.Anim.DetachAnim string Animation - Remove the given animation from the avatar.
Avatar.Anim.PlaySimpleAnim string AvatarName, string Animation - Play a simple (root not animated) one time animation on the avatar
Avatar.Anim.BlendAnimPri string Animation, float blendFactor, int priority - Blend animation using priority.
Avatar.Anim.BlendAnim string Animation, float blendFactor - Blend the given animation with the current animation.
Avatar.Warp.WarpToXYZ float x, float y, float z - Warp our avatar to the given location.
Avatar.Warp.WarpPlayerHere int PlayerID - Warp another player to the same position as us.
Avatar.Warp.WarpToPlayer int PlayerID - Warp our player to the same position as another player.
Avatar.Physics.TogglePhysical - Disable/enable physics on the avatar.
Avatar.Turn.SetMouseTurnSensitivity float sensitivity - Set how strong the mouse affects turning.
Avatar.Turn.SetTurnType int turnType, int walk - Set the turn acceleration curve type [0..2].
Avatar.Turn.GetTurnType int walk - Show the amount of time required to reach max turn speed.
Avatar.Turn.SetTurnTime float turnTime, int walk - Set the amount of time required to reach max turn speed.
Avatar.Turn.GetTurnTime int walk - Show the amount of time required to reach max turn speed.
Avatar.Turn.SetMaxTurn float maxTurn, int walk - Set the maximum turn speed in radians per second.
Avatar.Turn.GetMaxTurn int walk - Show the maximum turn speed in radians per second.
Avatar.Climb.FallOff -
Avatar.Climb.Release -
Avatar.Climb.EnableClimb string direction, int onOff - Allow or forbid climbing in the given direction.
Avatar.Climb.EnableDismount string direction - Let the avatar dismount in the specified direction.
Avatar.Climb.Start string direction - Specify initial mount direction: up, down, left, right
Avatar.Multistage.Mode string stage1, string stage2, string stage3 - make a simple multistage
Avatar.Multistage.Regress - Regresses the avatar's current multistage to the previous stage.
Avatar.Multistage.Advance - Advances the avatar's current multistage to the next stage.
Avatar.Multistage.Trigger string multiComp - Triggers the named Multistage Animation component
Avatar.Spawn.DontPanic - Toggles the Don't panic link flag.
Avatar.Spawn.SetSpawnOverride string spawnPointName - Overrides the normal spawn point choice to be the object specified.
Avatar.Spawn.Respawn - Moves the avatar back to the start point.
Avatar.Spawn.prev - Go to the prev spawn point in sequence. - Go to the next spawn point in sequence.
Avatar.Spawn.Go int which - Go a spawn point indicated by number.
Avatar.Spawn.Show - Print a list of spawn points.